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You have to clear every tier and then only you will become eligible to take the government seat. This will give you an idea about the difficulty level of the paper and also it will tell you that how much you need to work hard and score for beating any exam. Once you have secured marks above the cut-off percentage you will be called in by SSC for a personal interview.
SSC JE 2016 Cutoff U I out of 200 marks Specialization SC ST OBC OH HH UR Civil Engineering 84. This is to be given on the computer. Those candidates who are searching expected SSC JE cut off 2018 may check it online from our web page by visiting our web page. The prime key of SSC Junior engineer will help candidates calculate their probable score and analyse their performance in the exam. Then they appear for the exams. With this, you can imagine how much your category cutoff can be this year. To pass the paper, you have to reach the cut off pan minimum. The Staff Selection Commission, the date of result declaration of Junior Engineer Examination 2017 has been announced. Candidates are suggested to check below mentioned SSC JE Paper-II Cutoff Marks with previous year cut off marks. Changing your location will completely change the basic logic of the cutoff custodes and your selection.
There will be NO Sectional Cut Off for each part of paper of General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, General Engineering subjects Civil, Electrical, Mechanical , However the SSC JE Final Cut Off 2018 will be calculated in the basis of aggregate marks in these subjects. Check it out below. SSC JE Exam Cut Off Marks Civil Paper-1: You can find the SSC JE Exam Cut Off Marks for Civil Engineering Paper-I, year-wise, category-wise in the table below. If you have participated in SSC JE Examination 2017, then the results of the Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering can be obtained after December 15.
Official SSC CGL Cut Off for Tier II 2017 Out – Check Here! - Then they appear for the exams. Benefits of having the answer key: There are a lot of benefits of having seen the answer key by the candidates who have given the exams.
SSC JE Cut off is the least qualifying marks which the candidates should acquire to be considered in the recruitment process. Candidates who are appearing in the Junior Engineer Exam 2018 will have to secure the want SSC JE Cutoff 2018 for the qualified the exam. The Cutoff of SSC JE 2018 will be performing in two stages — Paper I and Paper II. Applicants securing the SSC JE Cut offs 2017 in Paper —I will be called for Paper-II. The Cut off marks of Paper-I will be announced in the month of February 2017. The Paper-I exam will be scheduled to be held in the month of February 2017. The SSC JE Cut off 2018will be published along with its result. Commission will announce the Cutoff marks category-wise, discipline-wise and posts-wise. It is depending on the total number of posts, Commission will decide the Cut off the score. The Final SSC JE Cut off marks 2018 will be declared on the basis of Paper-I and Paper-II. The previous year and expected cut off has been provided on this page. Thereafter cumulative cutoff marks will be used. Applicants can expect a rise of +10-15 marks in the commission cut off. This data has been received from the official PDF file released by the commission in last year. SSC Junior Engineer Cutoff — Civil Engineering OBC SC ST OH HH UR Total SSC Junior Engineer Cut off 2014 Paper-I 82.